My favourite US based charity; Can you help too?

Charitable Fundraising that really does begin at home!

Hi there,

If you’ve found your way to my website, I’m guessing it’s because you’ve just read Invisible, the first book in the Alpha Company Women Series. That being the case, wherever you acquired it, you should have got your copy free. You’re welcome!

But if you enjoyed it, maybe you’d think about making a small contribution to one of the charities that is dearest to my heart – as, if you’re like me, and have a soft spot for all things military, maybe this brilliant charity will strike a chord with you, too.

In the US, there’s an organisation called, that is working tremendously hard to reduce the number of military/veteran suicides each year. Not so long ago, the figure stood at 22 per day in the US alone.

I’ll repeat that number because it’s staggering.

22 per DAY!

The figure is down to around 20 per day now, but that’s still 20 too many.

As someone whose family was devastated last year by the suicide of one of its younger members, I understand how hard such a loss hits the loved ones. The husband, wife, kids, parents, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends… the ripple goes on, and on, and on… and the pain never really goes away, especially for those closest. Mums and dads, partners and kids especially, never truly get over the loss.

If you’re a US reader, or like me, someone who just thinks this charity is performing vital work for countless military/veteran heroes, please either consider making a small donation on their website, or doing what I did just now, and going onto their Amazon Wish-list and placing an order for something they need desperately, which Amazon will ship directly to in Louisville, KY.

If you fill in the gift message on Amazon, tell them who you are, and tell them that Beth sent you. (No, I don’t get a kick-back, I promise!) It’s just nice for them to know how you found your way to their site.

The links you need are here; Home page Amazon wishlist

Thank you so much for reading this page, and I hope, for supporting this worthwhile charity.

(If you have another charity you’d prefer to donate to, please do so today, as there are thousands of worthwhile causes who could really use your support.)

Kind regards,







If you’re wondering what I’ve done to help them out lately, well, sadly, I haven’t been able to be hands on, as I live more than 4000 miles away in the UK. Instead, below is how I’ve done my little bit to help them since started to support them in March 2017, and the plaque (pictured right) was the wonderful way they said thank you recently. Well, it’s my pleasure Active Heroes. And I hope not to stop helping anytime soon.










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