The fun stops here! Now for the graft… (That’s my way of letting you know I’ve finished writing Retribution!)

Evening everyone,

Well, it’s with mixed emotions that I’m announcing that Retribution is finished! I say mixed emotions, because I love the writing part, and I always hate to leave characters behind, even briefly.

At around 2am on Friday, I typed my favourite words…The End…and promptly fell asleep!

To say it’s been really exhausting over the last few weeks is probably the understatement of the week, and I really could have done with sleeping the whole weekend away.

But no!

The writing, which I always consider to be the fun part of the process, gives way to the editing, and that’s where the hard graft starts. So, I spent the entire weekend having my laptop reading the book back to me, so that I could make sure the story actually made some sense.

People are always amazed when I explain that I can’t remember what I’ve written from one day to the next, but it’s absolutely true. So, if you think that I wrote the first dozen pages before Christmas, that’s more than two months ago!

I read the whole book this weekend, and there were literally parts I have no recollection of writing, at all! But the good news is that I made myself laugh, more than once, because it was like reading something someone else wrote. I also made myself cry, several times, too! I really have to stop doing that.

I absolutely love my new characters, and Baxter, (my little two-year-old fella) has turned out to be one of my favourites of all the characters I’ve ever written about. I defy anyone to read this book and not fall in love with him. (Even the guys!)

But just in case you think I’m going soft in my old age, fear not! I have the most loathsome bad guys in this book, and some great new ways to torture and kill horrible people!

What? You think I should have said ‘Spoiler alert’? Come off it! This is me, here. Do you really think I’d have wishy-washy bad guys, who get a HEA?


Anyway…where was I? Oh yes… this weekend….

I also put Retribution up for pre-order on Sunday, and even managed to get all the Amazon product pages and books updated to show the new addition to the family. (Well done to those of you who spotted it early, and who have already ordered your copy. You still haven’t managed to beat me to ordering the first copy, but someone was only about thirty minutes behind me this time, which is the closest yet, and impressive when you think I was the only one who knew it had been uploaded! So well done, whoever that was!)

The release date is going to be 14th April (Happy birthday to my m-i-l) which also happens to be Good Friday, so hopefully, for all you lovely people who either pre-order it, or download it from the library on day one, you’ll have the bank holiday weekend to relax and catch up with the latest Alpha-Stalwart shenanigans!

So, that brings you up to date with what’s happening in my world.

I’m already working on a synopsis for book 10, so as soon as I start that, I’ll be back with more news.

Well, I’m off to treat myself to an early night. (Yes, eleven o’clock is an early night for me!)

Have a fabulous week.




Ps. If you want to order your copy of Retribution, you can do it by clicking here for whichever Amazon site you use.