And Book 9 is gonna be called…

Ok, you didn’t really think I was going to jump right in and tell you, did you?

First things first…!


The first thing I want to say is a big thank you to everyone who offered up suggestions for the new book, despite the fact that I gave you so very little to go on as to what the story was going to be about.

I know, that was really mean of me!

What I did find out, was that you guys really like your words. Logophiles to the core!

And what was more amazing still, was that all of your words were clean ones! Not so much as a sniff of anything that would have shocked my mother.

Ok, so I know she’s read my books, and if they haven’t turned her hair white(r), not a lot will. But still, I appreciate your keeping it clean.

So, did any of you guess the name of the new book?

Well, erm, nope! Sorry!

So what is it? (I hear you cry, in anguished consternation.)

Ok, here goes…. drumroll…….



Definition : punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act – distinguishable from revenge in that it is generally backed in law, and is proportionate to the crime.

Synopsis :

Abbey has finally escaped from the clutches of the sex traffickers who drugged and kidnapped her more than three years before. She knows she was one of the lucky ones, as she was ‘owned’ by one of the ring-leaders. But she also knows there could be hundreds more women still in captivity, forced to perform as sex-workers in brothels up and down the country, or sold to wealthy individuals for their home ‘collections’.

But she’s escaped with something the traffickers have no idea about. Knowledge! And she’s going to use that knowledge, and do everything she can to help the police rescue the other girls, and steal from the traffickers the one thing they value above all else! Money!

When she meets the gorgeous African American, Jordan Kenny, and the other members of the Alpha Stalwart family, Abbey’s not sure whether she can trust them with her secrets, let alone her life. But little by little she learns to trust again, and gains friends in the strangest places.

But is she prepared to give up the tiny bit of control she’s regained since her escape, long enough to trust Jordan with her heart?

And more importantly, can she trust him with her two year old son?

And when the traffickers come looking for their money, can she trust Jordan and the Alpha Stalwart Family to keep her and Baxter safe?



Sound Ok?

Well, I’d love to hear what you think.

Get in touch with me by e-mail at, or using the ‘Contact me’ page, here on the website.

I look forward to hearing from you.

I’ll be back soon to give you an update on how the book is progressing.

Have a great week.

Take care,

