Happy 1st Birthday to Alpha Company!

I woke up this morning and realised that Alpha Company started it’s life exactly one year ago today, thanks, primarily to there being absolutely nothing worth watching on the television!

It’s almost unbelievable to me now, that there was ever a time when they didn’t exist, as they’ve become such a massive part of my life, almost as real to me as my own family.

In the last year, I’ve learned so much. About writing romance, creating characters, developing stories, and even how to write a sex scene without blushing! I’ve had to learn how to create book covers, and most importantly, I’ve discovered exactly how much editing it takes to get a book ready for publishing!

In a year which has seen incredible highs and devastating lows, I can honestly say that almost every high has been connected to my books, and most especially, the lovely people who have read them and then left feedback or contacted me. I have had some wonderful e-mails from all over, and have gotten to know some really nice people, not just from the UK, but from all over America and even South Africa. My new band of helpers on the editing side have been absolutely amazing, and I’m truly grateful to them for everything they’ve done to help me get the last two books out.

Although I’ve already made a start on book 9, I’ve taken a few days off over the Christmas break to go back and look at the editing of the earliest books. I don’t know that there’s much that can be altered which will improve the reader’s experience, but as I think I’ve improved massively as a writer over the last twelve months, it seems like a good time to go back and see what I can tweak, without losing the substance of the story.

I also have to give a great big thank you to my BFF for encouraging me to publish the books in the first place. I don’t need to name her, as she (and everyone who knows me) knows who she is! She’s my number one fan, and the person who nags me to make sure I stay on track with my writing, as she can never wait for the books to come out to read them.

Sadly, I haven’t yet been able to incorporate her suggested plot-line of Drew, Tony and Vicky having octuplets, but I’ve promised her that I’ll fit it in first chance I get! Honestly!

So, to all my readers (and I assume that’s what you are, or what the heck are you doing reading this?) THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for making this such an amazing year for me.

Happy Birthday Alpha Company!

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