Happy New Year!

Hi everyone,

So, after a fairly lazy Christmas week,  here we are in the final hours of 2017, and I’ve been reflecting on what sort of year it’s been for me and my family.

Overall, it was a pretty good year… Ok, it had a few illnesses along the way, but, thankfully, nothing that proved fatal. We’re still here to tell the tale, which is the main thing, so I’ve said a few prayers of thanks for that!

Through publishing my books, I’ve met some wonderful people who have been in touch with me, and I thank each and every one of them for taking the time to connect. I love hearing from you all… it’s been the best part of this whole mad journey!

So, what have we learned this year?

Well, for me, I’ve learned that there are amazing people out there, doing wonderful things to help others, and to them I send my gratitude. My thanks especially to those of you who work for charities, and in the wider voluntary sector. You’re so appreciated for everything you do!

I’ve also learned that friends and family are more important than anything, and if you should make a New Year’s wish, it should be for health and happiness for those you love, rather than for wealth and riches for yourself. (Ok, so I knew that already, but it’s always worth repeating.)

And I’ve learned that anything is possible if you just try, because the only time something becomes impossible, is if you never try in the first place.

So, here’s to 2018… may it bring health and happiness to us all, and may you all achieve everything you strive for.

Happy New Year!
